Livres :
Questions de Nutrition Clinique en réanimation et soins intensifs (2010), Coordinateurs : D.Barnoud, M. Hasselmann, V.Fraipont, S.M.Schneider. Les éditions de la SFNEP.
Nutrtion entérale : techniques, produits, surveillance et complications. V.Fraipont, C.Neicken, S.O.Noordally, J.C.Preiser. in Questions de Nutrition Clinique en réanimation et soins intensifs (2010), Les éditions de la SFNEP.
Nutrition en cas de défaillance d'organe et sepsis. V.Fraipont, J.C.Preiser. in Questions de Nutrition Clinique en réanimation et soins intensifs (2010), Les éditions de la SFNEP.
Revues Internationales :
Y. Beguin, M. Pereira Martins, C. Theunissen, V. Fraipont, and G. Fillet. Impact of a changing pattern of bacterial and fungal colonization on the incidence of bacteriemia in bone marrow transplant recipients. Blood 84:704a-704a, 1994. (Abstract) )
Y. Beguin, M. Pereira Martins, C. Theunissen, V. Fraipont, and G. Fillet. Bacterial and fungal colonization of bone marrow transplant recipients : changing patterns in the last decade. Br.J.Haematol. 87:25-25, 1994. (Abstract)
Y. Beguin, C. Theunissen, M. Pereira Martins, V. Fraipont, M.-F. Fassotte, and G. Fillet. Incidence and diagnostic methods of herpes virus (HSV, VZV, CMV, and EBV) reactivation after bone marrow transplantation. Br.J.Haematol. 87:26-26, 1994. (Abstract)
Y. Beguin, M. Pereira Martins, C. Theunissen, V. Fraipont, M.-F. Fassotte, and G. Fillet. Incidence of septis after bone marrow transplantation and relationship with colonization. Br.J.Haematol. 87:26-26, 1994. (Abstract)
Y. Beguin, C. Theunissen, M. Pereira Martins, V. Fraipont, and G. Fillet. Passive transmission of antibodies with transfusions of blood products and intravenous immunoglobulins causes spurious viral "seroconverion" after bone marrow transplantation. Br.J.Haematol. 87:25-25, 1994. (Abstract)
V. Fraipont, Y. Beguin, and G. Fillet. Significance of serum ferritin after bone marrow transplantation. Br.J.Haematol. 87:33-33, 1994. (Abstract)
Y. Beguin, E. Baudoux, B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, M. Pereira, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, and G. Fillet. Transplantation of autologous selected blood CD34+ cells or unmanipulated PBSC into cancer patients : comparison engrafment. Blood 86:914-914, 1995. (Abstract)
B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, E. Baudoux, M.-F. Fassotte, G. Jerusalem, J. P. Hermanne, V. Bours, L. Bosquet, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Peripheral blood progenitor cell collections in cancer patients : analysis of factors affecting the collection yield. Blood 88 (10S1Pt2):241b, 1996.
Y. Beguin, E. Baudoux, B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, M. Pereira, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, and G. Fillet. Comparison of engraftment after transplantation of autologous selected blood CD34+ cells or unmanipulated PBSC. Bone Marrow Transplantation 17:s134, 1996. (Abstract)
Y. Beguin, E. Baudoux, B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, M. Pereira, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, and G. Fillet. Comparison of engrafment of autologous selected blood CD34+ cells or unmanipulated PBSC into cancer patients. Br.J.Haematol. 93:77-77, 1996. (Abstract)
B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, E. Baudoux, J. P. Hermanne, M.-F. Fassotte, G. Jerusalem, V. Bours, L. Bosquée, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Analysis of factors affecting the yields of peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections in cancer patients. Bone Marrow Transplantation 19 (s1):s12, 1997.
V. Fraipont, B. Sautois, E. Baudoux, M. Pereira, M.-F. Fassotte, G. Jerusalem, J. P. Hermanne, L. Longrée, N. Schaff-Lafontaine, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Failure of adequate mobilization of peripheral progenitor cell (PBPC) with chemotherapy and G-CSF: G-CSF alone is superior to chemotherapy+ G-CSF for 2nd mobilization. Blood 92:268a, 1998. (Abstract)
V. Fraipont, B. Sautois, E. Baudoux, M.-F. Fassotte, G. Jerusalem, J. P. Hermanne, L. Longrée, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Efficient mobilization of peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) with G-CSF alone in patients failing to reach adequate numbers of CD34+ cells or CFU-GM with chemotherapy and G-CSF. Bone Marrow Transplantation 21 (S1):S106-S106, 1998. (Abstract)
B. Lambermont, C. Dubois, V. Fraipont, L. Radoux, and V. D'Orio. Near fatal respiratory distress following massive ether intravenous injection. Intensive.Care Med. 24 (6):624-625, 1998.
B. Lambermont, V. Fraipont, A. Ghuysen, F. Lebrun, V. D'Orio, and R. Marcelle. An unconscious patient with an electrocardiogram mimicking an acute myocardial infarct. Postgrad.Med.J. 74 (874):499-501, 1998.
Y. Beguin, E. Baudoux, B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, N. Schaaf-Lafontaine, M. Pereira, J. M. Paulus, D. Sondag, and G. Fillet. Hematopoietic recovery in cancer patients after transplantation of autologous peripheral blood CD34+ cells or unmanipulated peripheral blood stem and progenitor cells. Transfusion 38:199-208, 1998.
B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, E. Baudoux, M.-F. Fassotte, J. P. Hermanne, G. Jerusalem, V. Bours, L. Bosquée, N. Schaaf-Lafontaine, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Peripheral Blood progenitor cell collections in cancer patients :analysis of factors affecting the yields. Hematologica 84:342-349, 1999.
V. Fraipont, B. Sautois, E. Baudoux, M. Pereira, M.-F. Fassotte, L. Longrée, G. Jerusalem, J. P. Hermanne, N. Schaaf-Lafontaine, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. G-CSF alone is superior to chemotherapy + G-CSF for 2nd mobilization of peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) after failure of adequate mobilization with chemotherapy and G-CSF. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 1999. (Abstract)
Fraipont V, Lambermont B, Ghaye B, Moonen M, Edzang L, D'Orio V, et al. Unusual complication after percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy: pneumoperitoneum with abdominal compartment syndrome. Intensive Care Med 1999~ 25:1334-1335. ( 8395)
Fraipont V, Lambermont B, Moonen M, Marcelle R, D'Orio V. COmparison of a nurse-directed weight-based heparin nomogram with a standard doctor-based regimen. Intensive Care Med 1999~ 26:s218. (7930)
Fraipont V, Sautois B, Baudoux E, Pereira M, Fassotte M, Hermanne J, et al. Successful mobilization of peripheral blood HPCs with G-CSF alone in patients failing to achieve sufficient numbers of CD34+ cells and/or CFU-GM with chemotherapy and G-CSF. Transfusion 2000~ 40:339-347. ( 7476)
Boland J, Fraipont V, Van Veen B, Saggau W. Treating post-operative Atrial Fibrillation with the temporary atrial patch. Pacing & Clinical Electrophysiology 2001~ 24:640-640. (9307)
Fraipont V, Lambermont B, Moonen M, Marcelle R, D'Orio V. COmparison of a nurse-directed weight-based heparin nomogram with a standard doctor-based regimen. Intensive Care Med 1999~ 26:s218.
V. Fraipont, J. L. Peters, T. Weber, C. Levaux, C. Chevolet, L. Radoux, and F. Damas. Heart enlargement after thrombolysis for unsuccessful resuscitation. Intensive Care Med. 29 (3):507-508, 2003.
V. Fraipont, B. Lambermont, M. Moonen, and V. D'Orio. [Comparison of a nurse-directed weight-based heparin nomogram with standard empirical doctor-based heparin dosage]. Ann.Fr.Anesth.Reanim. 22 (7):591-594, 2003.
Fraipont, V. (2009). Dépense énergétique de repos = besoin calorique ? Nutrion Clinique et Métabolisme 23, s5.
Vergnion, M., Degesves, S., Thoumsin, S., Stefanini, J.L., Fraipont, V., and Moonen, M. (2005). Efficacité de l'ILMA Fastrach (Intubating Laryngeal Mask airway) utilisé par des infirmiers lors de la prise en charge d'arrêt cardiaque en extra-hospitalier. Journal Européen des Urgences, s45
Busch I, Claes D, Thomsin S, Stefanini JL, Fraipont V, Degesves S, Vergnion M. Effectiveness of intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA Fastrach) used by nurses during out of hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg. 2009~60(4):235-8.
Revues Nationales :
V. Fraipont, Y. Beguin, and G. Fillet. L'anémie ferriprive de la grossesse. Revue Médicale de Liège 49 (8):436-445, 1994.
V. Fraipont, L. Finianos, F. Albert, and V. D'Orio. A propos d'un cas d'hypothermie accidentelle. Revue Médicale de Liège 52 (10):625-630, 1997.
F. Bustin, P. Kohl, E. Creemers, V. Fraipont, J. Demonty, and R. Limet. A propos d'une fièvre inexpliquée. Revue Médicale de Liège 53 (1):7-10, 1998.
V. Fraipont, B. Lambermont, P. Gast, and V. D'Orio. Comment je préviens et je traite ... Les ulcères de stress. Revue Médicale de Liège 53 (8):444-449, 1998.
B. Duysinx, A. Ghuysen, B. Lambermont, V. Fraipont, and V. D'Orio. Stratégies actuelles en matière de prophylaxie et de traitement de la thrombose veineuse et de l'embolie pulmonaire(1ère partie). Vaisseaux, Coeur, Poumons 3 (4):124-127, 1998.
B. Duysinx, A. Ghuysen, B. Lambermont, V. Fraipont, and V. D'Orio. Stratégies actuelles en matière de prophylaxie et de traitement de la thrombose veineuse et de l'embolie pulmonaire(2ème partie). Vaisseaux, Coeur, Poumons 3 (5):146-150, 1998.
A. Rorive, V. Fraipont, P. Quatresooz, D. Cataldo, B. Dubois, and G. Fillet. A propos d''un cas de rhabdomyolyse aiguë. Revue Médicale de Liège 54 (3):143-148, 1999.
B. Duysinx, A. Ghuysen, B. Lambermont, V. Fraipont, and V. D'Orio. Stratégies actuelles en matière de prochylaxie et de traitement de la thrombose veineuse et de l'embolie pulmonaire. Medisphere (97):6-13, 1999.
Ghuysen A, Lambermont B, Fraipont V, D'Orio V. Les interactions cardio-pulmonaires (1). Vaisseaux, Coeur, Poumons 2000~ 5:6-12.
Ghuysen A, Lambermont B, Fraipont V, D'Orio V. Les interactions cardio-pulmonaires (2). Vaisseaux, Coeur, Poumons 2000~ 5:50-53.
Trippaerts M, Van deenen D, Fraipont V, Lepage Ph. La prise en charge de l'enfant brulé. Acta Paediatr. 2001~ . (9341)
B. Duysinx, A. Ghuysen, B. Lambermont, V. Fraipont, and V. D'Orio. L'embolie pulmonaire : diagnostic difficile, traitement simple. medisphere (137):297-303, 2001.
M. Trippaerts, P. Demaret, J. Lombet, J. M. Chantraine, V. Fraipont, and F. Damas. Le syndrome hémolytique et urémique. Rev Med Liege 60 (9):729-736, 2005.
Posters :
Y. Beguin, M. Pereira Martins, C. Theunissen, V. Fraipont, and G. Fillet. Changing patterns of bacterial and fungal colonization in bone marrow transplant recipients during their initial hospitalization. 9th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society:113, 1994.
Y. Beguin, M. Pereira Martins, C. Theunissen, V. Fraipont, and G. Fillet. Bacteriemia after bone marrow transplantation : incidence and relationship with colonization. 9th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society:111, 1994.
Y. Beguin, C. Theunissen, M. Pereira Martins, V. Fraipont, and G. Fillet. Spurious viral "seroconversion" after bone marrow transplantation due to passive transmission of antibodies with transfusions of blood products and intravenous immunoglobulins. 9th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society:112, 1994.
Y. Beguin, C. Theunissen, M. Pereira Martins, V. Fraipont, and G. Fillet. Serologic diagnosis of herpes virus (HSV, VZV, CMV, and EBV) reactivation after bone marrow transplantation. 9th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society:114, 1994.
V. Fraipont, Y. Beguin, and G. Fillet. Serum ferritin levels after bone marrow transplantation. 9th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological society:50, 1994.
P. Frere, M. Pereira Martins, C. Theunissen, V. Fraipont, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Impact of a changing pattern of bacterial and fungal colonization on the incidence of bacteriemia in bone marrox transplant recipients. 10th General meeting of the Belgian hematological society, 1995.
Y. Beguin, E. Baudoux, B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, M. Pereira, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, and G. Fillet. Transplantation of autologous selected blood CD34+ cells or unmanipulated PBSC into Cancer patients : comparison of engraftment. 11th General Meeting of the Belgian hematological society:11, 1996.
B. Sautois, V. Fraipont, E. Baudoux, J. P. Hermanne, M.-F. Fassotte, G. Jerusalem, V. Bours, L. Bosquée, J.-M. Paulus, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections in cancer patients : analysis of factors affecting the collection yields. 12th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological society:12, 1997.
V. Fraipont, B. Sautois, E. Baudoux, M.-F. Fassotte, G. Jerusalem, J. P. Hermanne, L. Longrée, D. Sondag, G. Fillet, and Y. Beguin. Efficient mobilization of peripherl blood progenitor cells (PBPC) with G-CSF alone in patients failing to reach target numbers of CD34+ cells or CFU-GM with chemotherapy and G-CSF. 13th Belgian Hematologic society Meeting, 1998.
V. Fraipont, B. Sautois, M. Pereira, M.-F. Fassotte, L. Longrée, G. Jerusalem, J. P. Hermanne, N. Schaaf-Lafontaine, D. Sondag, and G. Fillet. Failure of adequate mobilization of peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) with chemotherapy and G-CSF: G-CSF alone is superior to chemotherapy + G-CSF for 2nd mobilization., 14th Belgian Hematologic society Meeting,1999.)
M. Kreutz, V. Fraipont, L. Radoux, C. Chevolet, J. L. Peters, T. Weber, and F. Damas. Impact d'une directive institutionelle sur la pratique transfusionelle. Réanimation 10 (s1):sp226, 2001.
M. Kreutz, V. Fraipont, L. Radoux, C. Chevolet, J. L. Peter, T. Weber, and F. Damas. Impact de la transfusion chez les opérés cardiaques à l'ere d'une strategie restrictive. Réanimation 10 (s1):sp231, 2001.
M. Vergnion, V. Fraipont, S. Rodriguez, J. Lejeune, and E. Adam. La surveillance des patients toxicomanes admis en overdose : étude rétrospective concernant les patients admis en soins intensifs. Réanimation 10 (s1):sp101, 2001.
V. Fraipont, M. Kreutz, L. Radoux, C. Chevolet, J. L. Peters, T. Weber, J. Minon, and F. Damas. Prognostic value of transfusion after introduction of restrictive transfusion guideline. Intensive Care Med 28 (s1):s114, 2002.
C. Levaux, V. Fraipont, and F. Damas. Prédiction de la réponse hémodynamique de l'expansion volumique par la variation respiratoire de la pression pulsée au cours de la ventilation artificielle ou en respiration spontanée. Réanimation 11 (s3):52-81, 2002.
I. Kellens, V. Fraipont, T. Weber, E. Swenen, and F. Damas. Impact du percussionaire et de la kinésithérapie respiratoire après chirurgie cardiaque : étude randomisée contrôlée. Réanimation 12:243s-244s, 2003.
V. Fraipont, I. Kellens, T. Weber, E. Swenen, and F. Damas. Prospective randomised controlled study of use of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation with chest physiotherapy after cardiac surgery. Crit Care 8 (s1):s7, 2004.
J. Grailet, S. Deckers, V. Fraipont, A. Etienne, and F. Damas. Stress anxiety and depression in cardiac infarct and bypass surgery patients. Crit Care 9:s103, 2005. (Abstract)
M. Vergnion, S. Thoumsin, and V. Fraipont. Effectiveness of an intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA Fastrach) used by nurses during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation. Crit Care 9:s128, 2005. (Abstract)
M. Vergnion, S. Degesves, S. Thoumsin, J. L. Stefanini, V. Fraipont, and M. Moonen. Efficacité de l'ILMA Fastrach (Intubating Laryngeal Mask airway) utilisé par des infirmiers lors de la prise en charge d'arrêt cardiaque en extra-hospitalier. Journal Européen des Urgences (s1):s45, 2005.
M. Vergnion, V. Fraipont, and S. Degesves. Successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) using minimally invasive direct cardiac massage with internal defibrillation (MID-CM-DFIB). Resuscitation, 2002. (Abstract)
Sakr, Y., Reinhart, K., Payen, D., Fraipont, V., Gerard, I., Vincent, J.L., Sipmann, F., and On behalf of, S.I. (2005). Effects of Hydroxyethyl Starch Administration on Renal Function in Critically Ill Patients.: 249-T. Critical Care Medicine 33, A175.
De Prato, C., Bastin, M., Fraipont, V., Damas, P., and Preiser, J.C. (2008). Effet de la mobilisation passive sur cycloergométre sur le métabolisme musculaire de patiens inconscient et ventilés (SFNEP congrès).
Vergnion, M., Fraipont, V., and Degesves, S. (2002). Successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) using minimally invasive direct cardiac massage with internal defibrillation (MID-CM-DFIB). Resuscitation.